Once an application has been submitted to the local authority for review the application falls into two categories.
The 2 categories include Minor works and Major works.
Minor Works:
The majority of applications for example a single new build dwelling would typically fall into the minor works category.
Major Works:
Major works would be for larger retail sites, multiple housing developments etc.
Applications typically take 10 working days to be validated and a further 8 weeks for a decision notice to be produced. For major developments this process can take up to 12 weeks to be completed.
Its important to note that the council may request an extension of time in order to determine the outcome of a decision notice.
At ICI Architecture Studio we keep in regular contact with the planners to keep a close eye on how your application is progressing with us and if we need to make any adaptations to the scheme based upon feedback from the local authority - we always inform and discuss this with you before making any changes.
At ICI Architecture Studio we are here to help you every strep of the way so if you have any questions about your project and would like to find out more information on how we can assist you please get in touch!
Call 01260 602 005 or visit our website at www.ici-architecture.co.uk where we offer a FREE initial consultation with no obligation to use any of our services.
We are more than happy to visit the site or via Zoom call as well!
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